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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Should Storing Cord Blood? Here's a detailed explanation

Should Storing Cord Blood? Here's a detailed explanation - Back again with us in http://bankingcordbloods.blogspot.com/ to review a lot of things about the umbilical cord and placenta. Because this time the umbilical cord and placenta underutilized, that whereas in the umbilical cord and placenta are hematopetik stem cells or stem cells forming daraah that can be used to address a variety of diseases of the blood disorder.

What is a stem cell?

We have explained some things in the previous article about stem cells. But this time we will be more detailed. Stem cell scientists say is a future hope of treatment. Some scientists say stem cells in the body can be compared to parts to replace cells damaged by disease or died naturally due to several factors and one of them is aging.

Stem cells as we know can be taken from the spinal marrow peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood to be cultured and injected again into the organ that needs improvement.

Are healing using stem cells has been tried?

So far the disease associated with blood disorders such as leukemia, neuroblastoma, lymphoma, thalassemia, bone cancer, or anemia, successfully treated with stem cells from umbilical cord blood. While the research on the benefits of stem cells to cope with brain injury or spinal cord injury has reached the stage of clinical trials.

Besides being used by the patients themselves, stem cells can also be used by a brother or sister because of a high level match.

But Andrew said that the depth research conducted by scientists will open up the possibility of the use of stem cells from umbilical cord blood in the future. "The possibilities are stretched, apalagai that scientists focus on developing stem cell therapies for degenerative diseases such as heart disease or diabetes," he concluded.

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